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Highly qualified building inspectors
About Us

Property Check has inspected houses in Christchurch since 1996 with Darin and Cathy Devanny buying into the business in 2001.

Darin is highly qualified and experienced in building inspections, with weathertightness being his area of expertise.  Darin is one of a few certified weathertightness assessors in Christchurch. He enjoys working with clients to identify potential issues and helps them move ahead with confidence.

Darin has 21 years of pre-purchase inspection experience and has worked for the government as a preferred provider for leaky building assessments.

In addition to his inspection work, Darin is also presenting training modules for the New Zealand Institute of Building Surveyors to train building inspectors. This work keeps him up to date with legislation and regulation changes and best practise within the industry.

During his time as president and an executive member of the New Zealand Institute of Building Surveyors, Darin sought to highlight issues within the industry and, in particular, the effects of poor-quality inspections. Property Check focus on providing accurate reports so that our customers can avoid the stress and huge expense associated with substandard reporting which is unfortunately very common. Look at this article on Stuff to see how we helped one of our customers save thousands of dollars.   http://www.stu

We use specialist equipment and up-to-date technology on site, ie underfloor camera robots, to obtain the best information available and give the full picture including weathertightness, structural soundness and repairs and maintenance.

You can trust Property Check to provide you and your bank with accurate and reliable information to make an informed decision about your property.

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Why Choose Property Check

Because we are weathertightness experts. Banks accept our reports.

So you can rely on our pre-purchase property reports being accurate and honest.

Professional & Qualified
Registered Building Surveyors, suitably trained inspectors through the New Zealand Institute of Building Surveyors and the Pre-purchase core training modules.

Back up & Support
Support staff and inspectors that are always happy to help.

We get it right, so you can get it right
So you can move ahead with confidence and rest assured.

Pre-purchase property reports is our sole focus. Therefore we know what to look for and have a long history (since 1996) of providing quality reports based on years of experience.

Meet the team
Darin Devanny Managing Director

Darin is Christchurch based. He has 20 years building surveying experience with over 30 Years in building and administration, providing leadership and quality control, Darin has a Diploma in Building Surveying. He is also a Member of New Zealand Institute of Building Surveyors; a Certified Weathertightness Assessor; and a Registered Independent Qualified Person (IQP) with over 17 years of building surveying experience.

HADES / KORE Underfloor Specialist

Our custom built ‘underfloor robot’ measure in at just 200 mm high.
A specialist at inspecting floor voids and reaching places where humans can’t go. High definition video and still camera imagery records what it finds.

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